
A front row seat. Lucky Me.

I miss the rat race.  I'm very competitive and love to work.  I've been home for a while now and when I'm paying attention there are great moments that give real meaning to what my role at home has become.  Yesterday was one of those moments.  
Like I'm keeping this to myself?!  Can't do it... sorry.
My son Michael is 10, in the 4th grade.  Just starting to get into fairly serious stuff...  He finished first in a classroom geography test.  That made him the rep of his class for the school geography bee, which was held yesterday.  Each class in the school (4th-6th) had one kid as the rep (12 classes).  

He was nervous going in but studied hard two days before the school assembly...  He made it through the first 3 elimination rounds and into the finals!!  He lost the whole thing by one question to a 6th grader.  He's the first 4th grader in school history to make it to the finals!!  
He was so happy, his teacher was fired up.  So proud!

Exhibit 37a on the list of reasons why I'm happy to be home.  I have a front row seat.  Lucky me.

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