
Change is the Constant.


Embrace the change, adjust, and advance.

LET's GO!!


 Got a good plan for 2023? It's going to be here before you know it!! Don't forget the people...

Plans are important, 
just don't get over your skis on strategy 
before you have done everything to get the people thing right.

We just can't ever lose sight of the fact that the plans don't come first, the people do.






PROVIDENCE, R.I. - The Professional Women in Pest Management of New England held its first training of 2019 on Jan. 8, at Big Blue Bug Solutions. 
Topics that were discussed included; barriers to our days; urgent and important items; multitasking; delegation; technology; and there were group scenarios.  After the class, the women enjoyed a lunch and networking hour sponsored by the New England Pest Management Association (NEPMA).Attendees came from Massachusetts and Rhode Island. The Organization and Productivity workshop was facilitated by Brian McEwen, Director of Sales & Employee Engagement at Big Blue Bug Solutions. The goal of the class was to have everyone take away 2 to 5 actionable items that could be implemented immediately.
The Professional Women In Pest Management of New England is a networking committee to empower and support women in the industry.  
For more information on the New England PWIPM Chapter please contact Marillian Missiti, Chair at Marillian@BuonoPestControl.com  
To join the mailing list for future training classes and events, please contact Kelley Altland, Co-Chair at KAltland@BellLabs.com

GREAT GROUP! Thanks for inviting me to be part of the day! #Leadership


New Year. New Chance. #Job.Career

2019 is fast approaching...
Are you going to 'hang tight', 'ride it out' because it's good enough?

Or are you going to make some real change
 regarding the so many hours of your life that you spend at that place we call work, #Career?

How many of those 2,000 or 3,000 hours that you spent in this year did you really enjoy? How many of those hours stressed you out or put undo pressure on your family? If that's out of whack, take a closer look. #WorkTooHardNotToBeHappy

We had a terrible loss in the family this year, we lost Nana way too soon! 

Count the days. Count the hours... 
Sure, I like to count the money to make sure that's in check, that's important but if
you don't have your health, none of that matters.

Happy New Year and let's take the 2019 bull by the horns!!

It take some serious intestinal fortitude to answer this question for realzies... Happy?NeedAChange?

Good luck. Keep us posted!


What's Mr. Peterman been up to??


I love working here!!